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El Paso Thrive After 60

What is the Free Silver Sneakers Fitness Program?

Silver Sneakers is a fun and completely free, energizing program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events.

Unlock the door to greater independence and a healthier life with Silver Sneakers. Health plans around the country offer this award-winning program to people who are eligible for Medicare or to group retirees. Silver Sneakers provides access to the YWCA in El Paso and YWCA locations across the country. 

This great benefit includes:

  • access to conditioning classes, exercise equipment, pool, sauna and other available amenities
  • customized Silver Sneakers classes designed exclusively for older adults who want to improve their strength, flexibility, balance and endurance
  • health education seminars and other events that promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
  • and more features

You may already have Silver Sneakers

Silver Sneakers is a benefit offered to members of many Medicare plans across the U.S. If you are part of a Medicare health plan or if you are a group retiree you may already have the Silver Sneakers benefit.

How do I start using Silver Sneakers?

It is easy to enroll.  Simply bring your Silver Sneakers Member ID card to your local El Paso YWCA or other participating fitness gyms. No Silver Sneakers card? Bring your health plan ID card with you to tour your local YWCA and to see all the amenities you’ll enjoy as a Silver Sneakers member.  Begin enjoying your benefit today!

YWCA participa en el programa del mantenimiento físico SilverSneakers. 

SilverSneakers es un divertido y energizante, programa que ayuda a los adultos mayores para tener un mayor control de su salud animando la actividad física y ofreciendo eventos sociales.

Este programa premiado ayuda a la gente que es elegible para Medicare o grupo de jubilados, abre la puerta a una mayor independencia y una vida más sana. Para aprender más acerca del SilverSneakers programa y ver si usted califica, visite: